(408) Sara Mearns and Jamar Roberts, LIVE from the Vail Dance Festival

Choreographer, Jamar Roberts, and New York City Ballet Principal, Sara Mearns. Photo by Christopher Duggan

Every year audiences at the Vail Dance Festival watch the Artist-In-Residence delve deeply into their craft, pushing outside their comfort zone to create rapidly in the ten days the festival spans. This year audiences will be treated to two such artists, the beloved New York City Ballet ballerina Sara Mearns, and highly acclaimed and sought after choreographer Jamar Roberts. Sara and Jamar sit down with Conversations On Dance hosts Rebecca King Ferraro and Michael Sean Breeden to discuss what their artistic output at the festival will be and how the artistic direction of the festival this year is guiding them in their own creative pursuits.

Upcoming Conversations on Dance events at the 2024 Vail Dance Festival: https://vaildance.org/conversations-on-dance/



(409) The Next Generation, LIVE from the Vail Dance Festival


(407) Catherine Hurlin, Principal with American Ballet Theatre, LIVE from the Vail Dance Festival